Transforming Therapy (TM)
Gil Boyne formally founded his school the “Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles” in 1956. Over the next 15 years Gil Boyne developed his training courses into a sophisticated approach which he called “Transforming Therapy” which was far more advanced than the suggestion programming and various simplistic forms of “hypnoanalysis” that were common at the time.
His school and system, the latter known as “Transforming TherapyTM”, became internationally famous and attracted students, including many physicians, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals, from countries all over the world. Gil Boyne trained many of the most well-known teachers over the next 40 years and had affiliated schools in several countries, a few of which schools he licensed to be official training centres for Transforming Therapy.
The classic book “Transforming Therapy” was the definitive textbook outlining the advanced clinical hypnotherapy system Transforming Therapy as developed and taught by Gil Boyne over the previous two decades. The book was first published in 1989 (ISBN 0-930298-13-6) and contained new material and selected content from the training course manuals, class notes and case study transcripts that were copyrighted and published by Gil Boyne in 1985.
Westwood Publishing has published material on Gil Boyne’s Transforming Therapy system since 1970
Dr. John Butler worked intensively with Gil Boyne
for the last 10 years of his life, collaborated with him in creating many of the later developments in Transforming Therapy
and he continues to develop the method today.
Transforming Therapy was strongly influenced by the work of renowned therapy pioneers in the 1950s and 1960s, in particular Fritz Perls and Carl Rogers and incorporated key concepts from Rollo May and other existential therapists along with the most powerful tools of classical hypnotism, traditional mind-healing concepts and the methods of radical hypnotherapy practitioners like Dave Elman. Gil Boyne studied with and, in some cases, worked with major figures in the therapy movements of the 50s and 60s as therapy broke from the strait-jacket of psychoanalysis. In the process he added new concepts and methods and forged his own approach to hypnotherapy designed to be as in-depth, precise, long-lasting and fast as possible.
Gil Boyne became justifiably famous for his in-depth pioneering work in the 1950s in developing “instantaneous inductions” of hypnosis that were extraordinarily effective and safe for therapeutic use. These techniques have since become staple approaches to performing hypnosis on volunteers in stage hypnosis and in circumstances where slower forms of hypnotic induction have proven ineffective. Prior to Gil Boyne’s work in this area the concept of “instant hypnosis” was unknown or virtually unknown to most hypnotists and seemed the stuff of legend belonging to reports of techniques of yogis and chi masters of ancient oriental disciplines.
Gil Boyne shared the view with Perls that the most effective way to obtain progress and movement with a client who is stuck in inner conflict or deadlock, is to use the methods of drama and dialogue, and these are central to Transforming Therapy.
Transforming Therapy, Roger’s counselling approach method is profoundly client-centered and Gil Boyne developed a powerful array of protocols to ensure that therapeutic choices in a session match the needs of the client’s subconscious mind.
Gil Boyne was highly influenced by the methods of Dave Elman, a master hypnotist and master communicator whose work he studied intensively. Gil Boyne continued developing hypnotherapeutic communications in an era, from the 1960s onwards, where clients were exposed to more sources of information, and consequently were more sophisticated and inclined to be questioning and critical. This has reached an intensive stage today, where clients have access to a wide range of mental and self-change techniques online.
Gil Boyne developed a naturalistic yet benevolently authoritative style, building up the therapeutic alliance through a highly interactive and responsive series of interchanges before moving to the hypnotic stage for intensive work. He was very aware of the need for the client’s doubts and questions to be addressed before moving to the deeper stage of working, and for the client to enter both consciously and subconsciously into the profound partnership which is enabled by hypnosis.
He was extensively experienced in inducing trance and monitoring subconscious movements and feedback from clients, honing his therapeutic choices to client’s responses. He knew that the rapport between an effective hypnotherapist and the client’s subconscious provides an unparalleled powerful and safe therapeutic state, and this maximises the client’s ability to draw on inner resources to address issues and choose to change.
The skills involved in becoming an effective Transforming Therapy practitioner are such that a high level of practice in self-hypnosis is recommended to attain and maintain the level of attention, power and flexibility required. Our courses provide materials and guidance for continued self-development in these aspects, as well as teaching on the repertory of roles and therapeutic traits the practitioner can draw on, during the course of a session or over the course of a multi-session therapy with a client.
In addition to a wide range of advanced hypnotherapy techniques, a high level of practitioner ability in interactive, client-centered responses, and a focus on powerful and effective inner dialogue methods, Gil Boyne believed that a truly comprehensive system for personal change needed to include a core element of human values.
Gil’s profoundest conviction was that the human inner self is infinitely creative and regenerative, and all the skill and knowledge that he gained in a lifetime of dedication to therapeutic work were devoted to leading his clients, and his students, to realizing what he called the “beautiful truth about themselves”. Our courses provide students with materials and teaching in developing, from their own personal value system, resources to assist clients in constructing creative value systems of their own.
Despite many derivatives and imitations on the market, Gil Boyne’s Transforming Therapy, developed by an exceptional practitioner who dedicated his mature life to the project, is unrivalled for its depth, effectiveness and humanity. In our courses you will be taught:
how to work most effectively with a client in integrative dialogue and acquiring new perceptions
when to move the session from pre-hypnotic interview to uncovering work to trance, from trance to deep analytical work or to programming?
the role of specific inductions to facilitate particular clients in different stages of therapy work
how to achieve deep uncovering of emotions, life scripts and destructive fixed ideas
how to achieve thorough decontamination of traumatic/sensitising events and achieve powerful closure
how to guide the client to integration of subconscious and conscious understanding and enable the client to to take control of their own therapeutic changes
how to guide the client in self-concept and life value reconstruction