Dr. John Butler
Dr. John Butler is a highly regarded Hypnotherapist with over 40 years of clinical experience and over 30 years as a hypnotherapy educator. He has been a hypnotherapy teacher to a wide variety of groups and in 1992, wrote and taught the first official hypnotherapy training course in the NHS.
He is an approved Hypnotherapy instructor for the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and teaches Hypnosis internationally.
He is the founder of the Hypnotherapy Training International and is an instructor in Hypnosurgery. He has taught Clinical Hypnosis applications to surgeons and anaesthetists in a course accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
He has been a speaker on performance enhancement and personal and career development for major businesses including Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, BUPA, Ernst & Young and others. He has worked with many high-level performers and celebrities in the media, performing arts and business. .
Dr. Butler's work was first filmed more than 30 years ago and since then has been reported many times in the media, including a major BBC television series, “Mysteries”, in 1997 and Channel 4’s breakthrough live broadcast “Hypnosurgery Live” with John Butler using Hypnosis as the sole anaesthetic while surgery was performed on a patient in April 2006.
He has made more than 30 unsolicited television appearances as an expert in hypnotherapy with several programmes focused on his use of hypnotherapy as an anaesthetic for chronic pain and in invasive surgeries.